About Us
Center for the research of ethnicity and culture
CVEK is an independent non-governmental organisation was founded in 2005 and is based in Bratislava. We strive to contribute to building a more just and cohesive society through research, analytical and educational activities. With this in mind we started monitoring minority policy in Slovakia and publishing a critical quarterly Minority Policy in Slovakia in 2013. The newsletter reflected developments in the area of minority rights. After a break that lasted several years we resume publishing of the newsletter. Minorities are often perceived as sources of threat in Slovakia and this also affects policy making which is usually more repressive than inclusive. Our main goal is to contribute to a shift in public and political discourse by giving our expert feed back to policy makers. We also aspire to draw attention of various stakeholders to examples of fair, just and inclusive policies based on principles of human dignity and human rights.


Alena Holka Chudžíková
Project Manager

Elena Gallová Kriglerová

Michaela Píšová
Monitoring of Minority Policy/Author

Jana Kadlečíková